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Brazilian Duck ( Amazonetta brasiliensis )

Physical appearance: 40 cm. The feet are red and webbed. The chest is brown, as well as the face that is a bit darker. There is a patch of iridescent feathers in the wings. When flying it shows a large white spot at the back of the wing. The male has a red beak and the femaleâs is blue. The Female also has white spots on the face. Distribution: From Venezuela to Argentina. Habitat: Wetlands, lakes, ponds and rivers even in polluted places. Diet: Feeds on seeds, leaves and small invertebrates. The hatchlings are goot at catching insects. Reproduction: Lays up to 14 bluish or greenish eggs. When the adult realizes the presence of a potential predator it distracts its attenti...

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  • Downloads: 462
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Green-backed, Striated or Little Heron ( Butorides striata (triatus) )

Physical appearance: 36 cm. The legs are short and yellow. The body is predominantly grey, darker in the back. The top of the head is black. The immature is striated and brownish. Distribution: American Continent, Africa, Asia, Australia and islands in the Pacific. Habitat: Rivers, lakes and mangroves of different sizes. Diet: Aquatic insects, mollusks, amphibians, reptiles and fish. Reproduction: The nest is a platform on the top of tall trees. Lays three eggs. Natural history: Solitary and migratory. There are saw-like structures inside the beak to help holding slippery food. May be eaten by carnivorous fish such as the trahiras (Hoplias sp.) when walking on flooded land....

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Little Nightjar ( Caprimulgus parvulus )

Length: 20cm Identification: nightjars are always very difficult to identify as they are nocturnal birds, rarely seen during the day due to their camouflage. On the other hand there are few species inhabitting urban areas and among these the little nightjar is usually the smallest and with the lightest color pattern. Distribution: it is distributed through all the South American countries east to the Andes. Habitat: occurs in a wide range of ecosystems, but is specially common in forest edges surrounded by crops and wetlands. This nightjar spends the whole day quiet and very well camouflaged on the ground and thus is rarely seen at daylight. It only flies during the day ...

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Fulvous Tree-Duck ( Dendrocygna bicolor )

48cm Identification: the body is mostly cinnamon with dark streaks on the wings. It may be locally the commonest duck, especially in Southern Brazil wetlands, where its hunting is allowed provided the stateâs quotas are respected. Regarding its habitat this species tends occur in open wetlands, surrounded by grasslands. Feeds mainly by grazing small grasses on the lake shores or underwater but also eats aquatic plants, aquatic insects and small fish. It may build the nest either in a tree hole or on the aquatic plants. The female lays from 8 to 14 eggs that are sat for about one month. The offspring start to fly within 55 days after hatching.

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White-tailed Kite ( Elanus leucurus )

35cm Identification: when seen from below its body is basically white with the tip of the wings and a region around the eyes black. There is a gray area on the upper parts of the wings. Its color pattern reminds that of some seagulls. The name in Portuguese â GaviÃo Peneira â means hovering hawk and it is due to the behavior of hovering before diving onto the prey. It is certainly one of the most beautiful hawks found in urban areas. It flies over open areas, pastures, crops and even on the banks of polluted streams in search for rats. This kite feeds mainly on large insects such as grasshoppers and beetles and on small rodents and lizards. The nest, made of twigs, is built o...

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Masked Water Tyrant ( Fluvicola nengeta )

15 cm. The body is white with a band around the eye, the wing and the tail black. Distribution: From Northeastern Brazil to SÃo Paulo. It is currently spreading its distribution southwards. Habitat: Lives in riverbanks, muddy places near lakes and ponds. Diet: Feeds mainly on arthropods, sometimes small fruits. Reproduction: The male exhibits himself standing on the body and opening the tail and the wings. The nest is spherical with a lateral entrance. It is built on small trees above the water. The white eggs are incubated by the female. Natural history: Runs on the aquatic plants, catching insects among them. Attacks other birds that enter its territory. Some people and ev...

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Night Heron ( Nycticorax nycticorax )

60 a 70 cm. The top of the head, the back and the wings are black and the other parts of the body are mostly grey. The immature is brown and striated. Distribution: All over the world, except from the poles and Australia. Habitat: Slow flowing rivers, lakes, reservoirs and swamps. Diet: Aquatic insects, mollusks, crustaceans, fish, amphibians and reptiles. May also eat carrion and rests of food fallen from other birdâs nests, including dead hatchlings. Reproduction: Breeds in colonies together with other species of herons. The nests are built from 1 to 7m from the ground or water. Lays two or three bluish green or buffy eggs. Natural history: During most of the day it res...

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Pauraque Nighthawk ( Nyctidromus albicollis )

30cm Members of the Caprimulgidae family are very difficult to tell apart. The best clues to recognize the Pauraque are its very typical song and the fact that it is one of the few nighthawks to get so close to urban areas. The Pauraque spends the whole day quietly sat on the ground, so well camouflaged that it is almost impossible to see. It remains quiet when approached, but when you are too close the bird flies in a fast zig-zag, and lands few meters away. It is curious to notice that even landing close it is difficult to see. The eggs are laid directly on the ground and have an earthy color. The Pauraque can be easily seen on dirt tracks at night, when its eyes reflect the carsâ...

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Neotropic Cormorant ( Phalacrocorax ( brasilianus ) olivaceus )

75 cm. Aquatic with narrow beak curved in the tip. The feet are webbed. The body is black and sometimes the throat is yellow. In the breeding season the male has some white feathers in the throat and ear region. The immature is fuliginous. Distribution: From Mexico to Southern South America Habitat: Lives in lakes, swamps and estuaries. Diet: Feeds on fish, even spiny ones. The gastric acids dissolve the spines. Reproduction: The nest is built on tall trees near lakes, sometimes mixing with heron flocks. Natural history: It is an excellent diver. When in flocks may pen fish schools, leading them to shallow water where they catch the fishes in frenzy. When it goes out of the wate...

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  • Downloads: 451
  • Visits: 17.698

Rough-winged Swallow ( Stelgidopteryx ruficollis )

14 cm. The legs, beak and the neck are short. The throat is red, contrasting with the fuliginous sides of the head, the back and the chest that is lighter. The belly is pale yellow. The last feather of the maleâs wing is rough. Distribution: From Panama to Argentina. Migrates in the south. Habitat: Open landscapes and cities, generally near the water. Diet: Feeds on insects it catches when flying. Reproduction: Builds a nest digging holes in slopes, sometimes in colonies. Lays three to six white eggs. The couple sleeps together in the nest, but only the female incubates. The couple takes turns to feed the brood. When the offspring leave the nest they remain nearby for som...

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Great Egret ( Ardea alba ( ex Casmerodius albus )

91cm. The neck and the legs are thin and long. All white, but with iris, beak and legs yellow. Distribution: Throughout the world. Habitat: Lakes, rivers, ponds, reservoirs, swamps, mangroves, estuaries and even polluted rivers. Diet: Eats fishes, amphibians, insects. The author witnessed an egret catching and eating a mouse in a riverbank in Campinas-SP. Reproduction: Breeding takes place generally in the end of the dry season, when the food supply is more abundant for this species. During this period the adults have the egrets that are long feathers used in the courtship. The breeding couples gather in nesting sites that may have hundreds of individuals, sometimes mixing with o...

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Quiina glaziovii Engl.

Nome popular: -.

Ãrvore atà 6m; extremidade dos ramos glabra, achatada; folha simples, oposta, estÃpula interpeciolar, foliÃcea, 3 X 1cm, elÃptica a elÃptico-ovada, pecÃolo canaliculado, 0,8 X 0,3cm, glabro, avermelhado no material seco, lÃmina elÃptico-oboval, Ãpice agudo a acuminado, base cuneada, 24 X 7,5-12cm, margem algo revoluta, limbo ondulado, cartÃcea, venaÃÃo camptÃdroma, ca. 25 pares de nervuras secundÃrias, conspÃcuas, paralelas, espaÃadas 1-1,5cm, venaÃÃo terciÃria inconspÃcua, glabra, faces brilhantes no material seco.

DistribuiÃÃo: Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, SÃo Paulo, Paranà e...

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Coutarea hexandra (Jacq.) K.Schum.

Nome popular: -.

Ãrvore atà 5,5m; extremidade dos ramos achatada, levemente estriada, tomentulosa a glabrescente, gema apical com tricomas; folha simples, oposta, estÃpula interpeciolar, triangular, 0,7cm compr., colÃteres envolvendo a regiÃo basal, interna das estÃpulas, pecÃolo estriado, 2 X 0,2cm, glabrescente, lÃmina elÃptica, oboval-elÃptica, Ãpice agudo a acuminado, base atenuada, 14,5 X 5,5cm, margem inteira, levemente ondulada no material seco, tricomas esparsos, membranÃcea, venaÃÃo camptÃdroma, 7 pares de nervuras secundÃrias, conspÃcuas, paralelas, espaÃadas ca. 1cm, venaÃÃo terciÃria formando retÃculo, mais con...

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  • Downloads: 103
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A energia, no panorama mundial atual, tornou-se uma peÃa essencial para o crescimento dos paÃses. Grande parte da energia utilizada emana de fontes fÃsseis, principalmente do petrÃleo, portanto, tornam-se cada vez mais significativas as pesquisas e o desenvolvimento de novas fontes alternativas de energia, realÃando a preocupaÃÃo com os parÃmetros sustentÃveis. Assim como hà uma preocupaÃÃo com a escassez do petrÃleo e com o desenvolvimento de alternativas sustentÃveis para produÃÃo de energia, observa-se tambÃm outro problema que aflige a todos: o aquecimento global e seus impactos no clima, no bem-estar e saÃde dos seres vivos. O aquecimento global à um fenÃmeno natural...

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