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  • Category: Software
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  • Discipline: Biochemistry

cAMP - Intracellular Signaling

This software shows a computational model to dinamically and visually explore the cAMP signaling system to facilitate its understading. The animation is shown in parts, from the hormone-receptor binding to the cellular response. There are some questions to be answered after using the model.

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  • Category: Software
  • Note: Nota inteiraNota inteiraNota inteiraNota inteiraNota metade (40 votes) Evaluate
  • Available in:
  • Discipline: Biochemistry

Insulin and Leptin relations in Obesity

A software with data from some of the most recent publications on obesity, specially concerning the roles of insulin and leptin in this metabolic disturb. The most relevant characteristic of this software is the use of animations representing the cellular response together with the presentation of r...

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  • Category: Image
  • Note: Nota inteiraNota inteiraNota inteiraNota inteiraNota vazia (2 votes) Evaluate
  • Available in:
  • Discipline: Biology

MAC - Membrane Attack Complex - Complement System


Membrane Attack Complex formation through interaction of its complement system constitutive parts. The complex is typically formed on the surface of intruding pathogenic bacteria through activation of the complement system, when C5 convertase cleaves a C5 molecule into C5a and C5b. It is composed of...

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Ácido graxo cis e trans


Os ácidos graxos insaturados podem apresentar-se na forma cis ou trans. Na configuração cis os hidrogênios que estão próximos à ligação dupla encontram-se no mesmo lado da cadeia, já na configuração trans, os hidrogênios estão em lados opostos.

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Uptake cholesterol enter cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis

LDL is a low-density lipoprotein, very rich in cholesterol and cholesteryl esters, contending one specific apoprotein. The bilding of apoprotein to an LDL receptors initiates process of endocytosis, which conveys the LDL and its receptor into the cell within an endosome. The endosome fuses with a ly...

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