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Sapphire-spangled Emerald (Amazilia lactea)

Length: 9,5cm Identification: the back is bright green, the tail and part of the wings are dark blue. The throat and the chest is sapphire-blue. The belly is white and there is a white line splitting the chest. The two sexes look alike. It is one of the main pollinators of several plant species, including some introduced ones. It is territorialist and visit the flowering patches at predictable times. It explores even the lowest flowers. This hummingbird usually explores feeders where it fights against the bananaquits ( Coereba flaveola ) and the swallow-tailed hummingbird ( Eupetomena macroura ). The bow-shaped nest usually shelters two eggs.

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Fork-tailed Hummingbird ( Eupetonema macroura )

15cm Identification: it is one of the largest hummingbirds. It is easily identified by the forked tail, reminding a pair of scissors. Unmistakably Brazilianâs best known hummingbird, this magnificent animal is also one of the most belligerent ones. It fiercely defends its territory â usually consisting of a flowering patch â against other birds, especially the bananaquit ( Coereba flaveola ). It sucks sweet water from feeders even if these are place in the interior of the houses, fearlessly entering the rooms. Like other hummingbirds it feeds mostly on nectar but also on insects. The female lays 2 or 3 eggs in a small bow-shaped nest and feeds the nestlings mainly with arthropo...

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Alseis floribunda Schott

Nome popular: -.

Ãrvore atà 9m; extremidade dos ramos pubescente, espessada, estriada, folhas concentradas no Ãpice; folha simples, oposta, estÃpula triangular, ca. 1cm compr., colÃteres envolvendo a regiÃo basal, interna, das estÃpulas, pecÃolo algo achatado, 2 X 0,1cm, tomentuloso, nigrescente no material seco, lÃmina elÃptico-oboval, elÃptica a rÃmbica, Ãpice longo-acuminado, base atenuada, 20-28 X 6-9,5cm, margem inteira, ciliada, membranÃcea a subcartÃcea, venaÃÃo camptÃdroma, 15-17 pares de nervuras secundÃrias, conspÃcuas, amarronzadas na face adaxial no material seco, espaÃadas ca. 1,5cm, venaÃÃo terciÃria forman...

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Myrciaria floribunda (H.West ex Willd) O.Berg

Nome popular: -.

Ãrvore atà 11m; extremidade dos ramos pubescente, achatada; folha simples, oposta, sem estÃpula, pecÃolo canaliculado, 0,8 X 0,1cm, pubescente, nigrescente no material seco, lÃmina elÃptica a elÃptico-oblonga ou estreito-oblonga, Ãpice longo-acuminado, base atenuada, 10 X 3cm, margem inteira, sub-cartÃcea, venaÃÃo camptÃdroma, nervura central imersa na face abaxial, nervuras secundÃrias inconspÃcuas, espaÃadas ca. 0,1cm, face adaxial glabra, abaxial tricomas, esparsos concentrados nas nervuras, pontuaÃÃes translÃcidas, hialinas, opacas, diminutas, numerosas, esparsas toda a lÃmina, visÃveis somente com auxÃ...

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Edge effect

Edge effect: periphery areas of forest fragments are more suceptive to external impacts, leading to environment degradation from the outside towards the inside.

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Infográfico sobre Sistemática Vegetal: como sabemos o parentesco das plantas?

Esse infogrÃfico aborda, resumidamente, as diversas fontes de evidÃncias utilizadas para a construÃÃo de uma Ãrvore filogenÃtica. Ã apresentada uma filogenia simplificada dos principais grupos de angiospermas e tendÃncias gerais do padrÃo morfolÃgico de suas flores.

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Sucessão Ecológica

Nesse infogrÃfico, procurei fazer uma representaÃÃo de uma sucessÃo ecolÃgica primaria, onde se tem 4 etapas bÃsicas: O ambiente desocupado onde as condiÃÃes de ocupaÃÃo sÃo poucas, a chegada das espÃcies pioneiras que sÃo generalistas e suportam bem o sol e pouca Ãgua, temos depois a comunidade intermediÃria onde os organismos suportam bem o sol, porÃm precisam de mais umidade, e posteriormente a comunidade clÃmax onde os organismos sÃo maiores e precisam de sombra e umidade para se desenvolverem.

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Bananaquit ( Coereba flaveola )

Physical appearance: 11 cm. The upper parts are dark and the inferior parts yellow. There is a white bar in the supercilium. The females are smaller than the males. The immature individuals have grey belly and do not have the bar above the eye. Distribution: From Mexico to Chile. Habitat: Inhabits various environments provided there is plenty of trees and flowers. Diet: Feeds mainly on nectar. Also eats insects. Visits hummingbird feeders. Reproduction: Builds two kinds of nest. A breeding one that is compact with thick walls and a resting nest made of leaves, grass and spider webs. Lays two or three white eggs. Only the female incubates. The male helps feeding the brood with i...

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Green-barred Woodpecker ( Colaptes melanochloros )

Physical appearance: 26 cm. The upper parts are green, somewhat yellow, barred in black. The inferior parts are buffy or white, also barred. The tail and the top of the head are black. The male has a red spot below the eye while in the female this spot is black. Distribution: From Eastern Amazon to Uruguay and Argentina. Habitat: Forest borders, gallery and secondary forests, woods and parks in cities. Diet: Feeds on ants and insect larva, mainly beetles. Also eats fruits. Reproduction: After courtship the couple builds a nest inside an old tree, sometimes palm trees and others. The nest is generally downwards, avoiding the water when it rains. Two to four eggs are laid and the ...

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