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Fork-tailed Hummingbird ( Eupetonema macroura )

15cm Identification: it is one of the largest hummingbirds. It is easily identified by the forked tail, reminding a pair of scissors. Unmistakably Brazilian’s best known hummingbird, this magnificent animal is also one of the most belligerent ones. It fiercely defends its territory – usually consisting of a flowering patch – against other birds, especially the bananaquit ( Coereba flaveola ). It sucks sweet water from feeders even if these are place in the interior of the houses, fearlessly entering the rooms. Like other hummingbirds it feeds mostly on nectar but also on insects. The female lays 2 or 3 eggs in a small bow-shaped nest and feeds the nestlings mainly with arthropods.

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  • Downloads: 476
  • Visits: 22.741

Cattle Tyrant ( Machetornis rixosa (ex rixosus ))

18,5 cm. The upper parts are greenish brown, the throat is white and the belly yellow. The tip of the tail is buffy. Male and female are similar. Distribution: From Venezuela to Argentina. Mideastern Brazil. Migrates seasonaly in southern Brazil. Habitat: Open fields, grasslands, grazing lands and parks in urban areas. Diet: Catches insects on the ground and sometimes in trees. Follows cattle to feed on insects displaced by its movement. Reproduction: Builds a nest made of branches about 4m from the ground. May use nests abandoned by the hornero (Furnarius rufus). The white eggs are incubated by the couple. Natural history: When on the ground runs for some meters then stops t...

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Streaked Flycatcher ( Myiodynastes maculatus )

21cm May be confused with the Piratic Flycatcher and the Variegated Flycatcher ( Empidonomus varius ), but is larger than both. It is a solitary and quiet species which sings mostly at twilight. This flycatcher spends most of the time perched in forest edges. Feeds mainly on flying insects, but also takes berries. The nest is usually built in a forked branch or in tree holes. The female builds the nest and incubates the eggs, which hatch within 16 – 17 days. The couple takes shifts to feed the nestlings which leave the nest within 18-21 days. Migrates to lower latitudes in the winter.

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Endlicheria paniculata (Spreng.) J.F. Macbr.

Nome popular: canela.

Árvore até 8m; extremidade dos ramos lanuginosa a glabrescente; folha simples, alterna, espiralada, sem estípula, pecíolo canaliculado, 2 X 0,2cm, lanoso, lâmina oboval, elíptica ou oval, ápice agudo, base cuneada, 13-22 X 4-10cm, margem inteira, ciliada, cartácea a sub-coriácea, venação camptódroma, 3-4 pares de nervuras secundárias, conspícuas na face abaxial, ascendendo em ângulo agudo de aproximadamente 45º, venação terciária paralela, face adaxial com tricomas esparsos, tomentulosa na abaxial; fruto jovem, elíptico, 1,3 X 0,7cm, cúpula avermelhada na planta feminina, nigrescente no material seco. Espécie ornam...

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Guarea macrophylla Vahl.

Nome popular -.

Árvore até 9,5m; extremidade dos ramos glabra, cilíndrica; folha composta, impari-ou-paripinada, alterna, dística, sem estípula, pecíolo canaliculado, estriado, 11 X 0,4cm, glabro, mais espessado na base, peciólulo espessado na base, 1,5 X 0,2cm, nigrescente no material seco, raque com gema terminal, folíolos 4-8, alternos, opostos ou subopostos, lâmina elíptica, oval-elíptica, ou oval-obtusa, ápice acuminado a agudo, base atenuada, assimétrica, 11 X 3,5cm, margem inteira, levemente ondulada, cartácea, venação camptódroma, 6-12 pares de nervuras secundárias, conspícuas na face abaxial, face adaxial glabra, abaxial ...

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  • Category: Handout or Class Script
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Com base no surgimento de novas dinâmicas pedagógicas, que buscam reformular as relações de ensino-aprendizagem ainda em muito caracterizadas pela rigidez do ensino tradicional, destaca-se nesta pesquisa a prática pedagógica de cunho interdisciplinar. O presente estudo procurou investigar a existência de práticas pedagógicas interdisciplinares nos cursos do Ensino Médio Integrado do Instituto Federal do Amapá/Campus Macapá. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, a pesquisa caracterizou-se pela abordagem qualitativa, procedendo-se à análise documental dos Planos Pedagógicos dos Cursos Técnicos Integrados do Campus Macapá e à investigação sobre a submissão de Projetos de Ensino que versem sobre a ...

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  • Category: Audio
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Desmistificando o senso-comum evolutivo: o Homem e o Macaco

O podcast aqui produzido visa à desmistificação -- embasada por explicações científicas e pelo método científico -- da frequente pergunta e entendimento quanto à Evolução: afinal, o Homem veio ou não do macaco? Como os macacos ainda existem? A Teoria Evolutiva tem brechas ou é apenas deturpada pelo senso-comum e didáticas falhas?

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Inga edulis Mart.

Nome popular ingá-macaco.

Árvore até 20m; extremidade dos ramos lanoso-ferrugínea; folha composta, paripinada, alterna, dística, estípula diminuta, pecíolo com pulvino, 4 X 0,4cm ferrugíneo-tomentuloso, raque amplo-alada, nectário extra-floral pateliforme nas intersecções dos peciólulos, peciólulo cilíndrico, ferrugíneo-tomentuloso 0,2 X 0,2cm, folíolos 6-8, opostos, lâmina elíptica, elíptico-oboval ou oblongo-elíptica, ápice acuminado a levemente caudado, base cuneada, assimétrica, 18-27 X 7,5-11cm, margem inteira, cartácea, subcartácea, venação camptódroma, 15 pares de nervuras secundárias paralelas, mais conspícuas na face abax...

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  • Category: Handout or Class Script
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  • Downloads: 1.289
  • Visits: 8.949
  • Category: Handout or Class Script
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Biochemistry Crossword

The Biochemistrycrossword was constructed by the student authors of 1st year undergraduate medical course (MBBS) with inputs from the mentoring faculty. The purpose of the crossword is to make the learning of Biochemistry more interesting to MBBS students, promote reading and introduce to further websites to facilitate self-learning. Biochemistry crossword was constructed using

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Sapphire-spangled Emerald (Amazilia lactea)

Length: 9,5cm Identification: the back is bright green, the tail and part of the wings are dark blue. The throat and the chest is sapphire-blue. The belly is white and there is a white line splitting the chest. The two sexes look alike. It is one of the main pollinators of several plant species, including some introduced ones. It is territorialist and visit the flowering patches at predictable times. It explores even the lowest flowers. This hummingbird usually explores feeders where it fights against the bananaquits ( Coereba flaveola ) and the swallow-tailed hummingbird ( Eupetomena macroura ). The bow-shaped nest usually shelters two eggs.

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  • Downloads: 571
  • Visits: 25.201

Chestnut-capped Blackbird ( Chrysomus (Agelaius) ruficapillus )

Physical appearance: 17,5 cm. The male is bluish black with the forehead and chest chestnut. The female is olive brown streaked in brown in the upper parts. The immature is brown and striated. Distribution: Eastern South America from French Guyana to northern Argentina and as far west as Mato Grosso and eastern Bolivia. Habitat: Lives in humid grasslands, wetlands and ponds. Diet: Feeds mainly on insects and seeds, but also on fruits. Reproduction: Often nests in groups. The nest is built in a fork of a tree. Both male and female build the nest watering the material before using it. The nest is a deep basket. Natural history: The vocalization is melodic and commonly the predomi...

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Brazilian Duck ( Amazonetta brasiliensis )

Physical appearance: 40 cm. The feet are red and webbed. The chest is brown, as well as the face that is a bit darker. There is a patch of iridescent feathers in the wings. When flying it shows a large white spot at the back of the wing. The male has a red beak and the female’s is blue. The Female also has white spots on the face. Distribution: From Venezuela to Argentina. Habitat: Wetlands, lakes, ponds and rivers even in polluted places. Diet: Feeds on seeds, leaves and small invertebrates. The hatchlings are goot at catching insects. Reproduction: Lays up to 14 bluish or greenish eggs. When the adult realizes the presence of a potential predator it distracts its attention...

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Bananaquit ( Coereba flaveola )

Physical appearance: 11 cm. The upper parts are dark and the inferior parts yellow. There is a white bar in the supercilium. The females are smaller than the males. The immature individuals have grey belly and do not have the bar above the eye. Distribution: From Mexico to Chile. Habitat: Inhabits various environments provided there is plenty of trees and flowers. Diet: Feeds mainly on nectar. Also eats insects. Visits hummingbird feeders. Reproduction: Builds two kinds of nest. A breeding one that is compact with thick walls and a resting nest made of leaves, grass and spider webs. Lays two or three white eggs. Only the female incubates. The male helps feeding the brood with i...

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Green-barred Woodpecker ( Colaptes melanochloros )

Physical appearance: 26 cm. The upper parts are green, somewhat yellow, barred in black. The inferior parts are buffy or white, also barred. The tail and the top of the head are black. The male has a red spot below the eye while in the female this spot is black. Distribution: From Eastern Amazon to Uruguay and Argentina. Habitat: Forest borders, gallery and secondary forests, woods and parks in cities. Diet: Feeds on ants and insect larva, mainly beetles. Also eats fruits. Reproduction: After courtship the couple builds a nest inside an old tree, sometimes palm trees and others. The nest is generally downwards, avoiding the water when it rains. Two to four eggs are laid and the ...

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  • Downloads: 554
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Ruddy Ground Dove ( Columbina talpacoti )

18,5 cm. The body is brown, darker in the upper parts, wings and tail. The tip of the wings are cinnamon. The male’s head is light grey. The immature has buffy spots in the wings. Distribution: Throughout Brazil. From Mexico to Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina. Habitat: Lives in any open landscape. Adapts to life in big cities. Diet: Feeds on grains and fruits. Swallows the whole seeds, thus it may be poisoned by seeds with pesticides. Searchs for food on the ground. Reproduction: Breeds throughout the year, and may have three or four broods. When mating the male raises one of the wings. They caress each other in the head and give food as gifts. It is a monogamous species. The n...

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