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Uptake cholesterol enter cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis

LDL is a low-density lipoprotein, very rich in cholesterol and cholesteryl esters, contending one specific apoprotein. The bilding of apoprotein to an LDL receptors initiates process of endocytosis, which conveys the LDL and its receptor into the cell within an endosome. The endosome fuses with a lysosome, which contains enzymes that hydrolyze the cholesteryl esters, releasing cholesterol and fatty acid into the cytosol, and the LDL receptor returned to the cell surface, to function again in LDL uptake.

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  • Category: Software
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  • Downloads: 8.486
  • Visits: 58.394

cAMP - Intracellular Signaling

This software shows a computational model to dinamically and visually explore the cAMP signaling system to facilitate its understading. The animation is shown in parts, from the hormone-receptor binding to the cellular response. There are some questions to be answered after using the model.
Article published about this software:
Yokaichiya DK, Fraceto LF, Miranda MA, Galembeck E, Torres BB. AMPc - Sinalização Intracelular: Um Software Educacional. QUIMICA NOVA 27 (3): 489-491 MAY-JUN 2004

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  • Category: Software
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  • Downloads: 6.761
  • Visits: 50.082

Insulin and Leptin relations in Obesity

A software with data from some of the most recent publications on obesity, specially concerning the roles of insulin and leptin in this metabolic disturb. The most relevant characteristic of this software is the use of animations representing the cellular response together with the presentation of recently discovered mechanisms on the participation of insulin and leptin in processes leading to obesity.

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  • Category: Image
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  • Downloads: 1.776
  • Visits: 46.991

MAC - Membrane Attack Complex - Complement System

Membrane Attack Complex formation through interaction of its complement system constitutive parts. The complex is typically formed on the surface of intruding pathogenic bacteria through activation of the complement system, when C5 convertase cleaves a C5 molecule into C5a and C5b. It is composed of four complement proteins (C5b, C6, C7 and C8), which bind to the outer membrane surface, and of a fifth protein, C9, polymerizing into a ring-like structure, put across the membrane and allowing free diffusion through it. This disrupts the osmotic environment of the cell and kills it promptly.

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  • Category: Image
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  • Downloads: 597
  • Visits: 15.553

In vitro Fecundation

Schematical representation of the in vitro fecundation process in human beings: It is a resource used in cases of patologias as damnification in the Tubes of Falópio, harming the transport of óvulo, or little production of spermatozoon for the man. After hormonal stimulation, the mature ovule is collected of the ovary and placed in a test tube contend sperm. The fecundation occurs and after a series of cellular divisions, the originated embryo is implanted in the uterus.

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  • Category: Image
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  • Downloads: 5.132
  • Visits: 29.662

The platelets in the coagulation process

The platelets in the coagulation process A: Unbroken vase. B: Process of injury. C: Platelets adhesion to the wall vase and release of factors of intracellular signalling that promote the vasoconstriction, with the reduction of the blood vessel, and induce the production of other composites that will participate of the coagulation. D: Platelets Aggregation: Change of form of platelets and linking plaqueta/plaqueta. E: Fibrin and blood cell deposition on the platelets drain plug.

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  • Category: Thesis or Monograph
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  • Downloads: 119
  • Visits: 3.594

Sistematização e avaliação de aulas práticas sob uma abordagem investigativa

As aulas práticas são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento de habilidades relacionadas ao aprendizado de ciências. A American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) listou uma série de habilidades que os estudantes devem desenvolver até o final de um programa de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular, sendo a maioria delas adquirida em aulas práticas. O aprendizado da prática de investigação científica é um dos objetivos das aulas práticas. Esse trabalho propõe a sistematização e avaliação uma sequência didática que contemple o conteúdo de Bioquímica aliado ao desenvolvimento de habilidades de investigação científica. A sequência foi estruturada e aplicada n...

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