Contribution of of a discipline of prctice on teaching of biochemistry for the formation of graduation and post-graduation students

The main objective of this work was to evaluate the contribution of Post-Graduation Program in Biological Sciences: Biochemistry of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul to the disciplines of graduation. The post-graduation students organized innovative teaching projects to be implemented in classes of biochemistry for several courses of the health professions. Thirty projects were evaluated by analyzing their written report and also through interviews with the teachers responsible for the disciplines of graduation where the projects were performed. The results showed that 9 projects (30%) become at least partially incorporated to the same or to other disciplines of graduation in the next years. One of these projects originated a new discipline for the graduation course of Biology. In general, the students of post-graduation contributed with their expertise obtained in their laboratory experience. These results indicate that the organization and implement of innovative teaching projects may help to training post-graduation students and also benefit the graduation students.
