Lined Seedeater ( Sporophila lineola )

11 cm. The body of the male is dark gray in the upper parts, with the face and anterior part of the throat black. The posterior part of the throat and the belly are white, as well as the spots on the sides of the head. The female is brown with the belly lighter. It is thinner than the female of the double collar seedeater Sporophila caerulescens, the tail is longer, the beak smaller with the inferior part buffy. The young individuals are also brown.
From Guianas to Argentina and Paraguay. In Brazil from the north to São Paulo, Mato Grosso and Goiás.
Grasslands, open fields, crops and secondary forest borders.
The couple lives isolated from the rest of the group and the male protects the territory from others of the same species. The fighting behavior is similar to the double collared seedeater. Male and female help feeding the hatchilings.
The vocalization varies according to the region, with many dialects. Sometimes crossbreeds with double collared seedeater producing hybrids.