Red-Crested Finch ( Coryphospingus cucullatus )

13,5 cm. The male’s top of the head is black with a scarlet topknot. The body is red, with the upper parts brownish red. The female does not have a topknot and the upper parts are brown.
From the Guyanas to Argentina.
Secondary forests, cerrado and farms.
Feeds on seeds and insects.
When breeding lives in pairs and the male protects the territory. Builds a cup-like nest with leaves, lichens and spider webs. Lays 3 to 5 bluish or white eggs. Both male and female feed the offspring.
Natural history:
The male’s topknot can only be seen when it is excited. When not breeding lives in groups, sometimes mixing with other species. In dry regions bathes itself with the morning dew. May sing during the night.