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Alsophila sternbergii (Sternb.) D.S. Conant

Nome popular: samambaiuçu.

Feto arborescente até 16m; tronco ereto com escamas e raízes adventícias; frondes tripinatipartidas , pecíolo com espinhos conspícuos, ca. 0,6cm compr., esparsos, nigrescente no material seco, escamas, amarronzadas, até 1,5 X 0,1cm, peciólulo às vezes sulcado, 1 X 0,5cm, glabrescente, raque pubescente a glabrescente, achatada, sulcada, espinhos esparsos, ráquila sulcada, ferrugíneo-lanosa, folha composta, 1-5m compr., 2-pinada, pina alterna, dística, ca. 52 X 14cm, pínulas ca. 26 pares, alternas a subospostas, dísticas, penatilobadas, lâmina oblongo-lanceolada a elíptico-lanceolada, ápic...

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Cyathea hirsuta C. Presl

Nome popular: samambaiuçu.

Feto arborescente até 7m; tronco ereto com escamas e raízes adventícias; frondes tripinatipartidas, pecíolo maior que 30cm compr., com espinhos diminutos, ca. 0,4cm compr. escamas esbranquiçadas, brilhantes, concentradas na base, peciólulo 0,5 X 0,5cm, glabrescente, raque pubescente, sulcada, amarelada no material seco, espinhos esparsos, ráquila sulcada, glabrecente, folha composta, até 6m compr., 2-pinada, pina oposta ou suboposta, pelo menos 30 X 22cm, pínulas opostas ou subopostas, dísticas, penatilobadas, lâmina oblongo-lanceolada a elíptico-lanceoladas, ápice longo acuminado, base tr...

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Cyathea phalerata Mart.

Nome popular: samambaiuçu.

Feto arborescente até 7m; tronco ereto com escamas e raízes adventícias; frondes tripinatipartidas, pecíolo com espinhos diminutos, marrons no material seco, 0,2cm compr., escamas amarronzadas, até 2,5 X 0,4cm, concentrados na base, peciólulo 1,5 X 0,4cm, tomentuloso a glabrescente, raque tomentulosa a glabrescente, sulcada, espinhos esparsos, folha composta, até 6m compr., 2-pinada, pina alterna, dística, penatilobada, pelo menos 36 X 21cm, pínula mais de 13 pares, oposta a suboposta, dística, penatilobada, lâmina oblongo-lanceolada, elíptico-lanceolada, ápice longo-acuminado, base assimÃ...

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Fulvous Tree-Duck ( Dendrocygna bicolor )

48cm Identification: the body is mostly cinnamon with dark streaks on the wings. It may be locally the commonest duck, especially in Southern Brazil wetlands, where its hunting is allowed provided the state’s quotas are respected. Regarding its habitat this species tends occur in open wetlands, surrounded by grasslands. Feeds mainly by grazing small grasses on the lake shores or underwater but also eats aquatic plants, aquatic insects and small fish. It may build the nest either in a tree hole or on the aquatic plants. The female lays from 8 to 14 eggs that are sat for about one month. The offspring start to fly within 55 days after hatching.

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Snowy Egret ( Egretta thula )

60cm Identification: there are four mostly white species of egrets in Brazil, the snowy egret can be told apart by its smaller size and also for having the tip of the beak black and for having dark legs with yellow feet. Laypeople usually think this species is a young great egret, however it is technically different enough to be place in another genus. It is bit more demanding than the great egret regarding its habitat necessities, as it does not occur in polluted waters and is more strongly associated to aquatic plants such as the water lily. Its reduced size allows this bird to walk over the aquatic plants without sinking. It feeds mainly on small fishes and tadpoles. The nest is ...

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Masked Water Tyrant ( Fluvicola nengeta )

15 cm. The body is white with a band around the eye, the wing and the tail black. Distribution: From Northeastern Brazil to São Paulo. It is currently spreading its distribution southwards. Habitat: Lives in riverbanks, muddy places near lakes and ponds. Diet: Feeds mainly on arthropods, sometimes small fruits. Reproduction: The male exhibits himself standing on the body and opening the tail and the wings. The nest is spherical with a lateral entrance. It is built on small trees above the water. The white eggs are incubated by the female. Natural history: Runs on the aquatic plants, catching insects among them. Attacks other birds that enter its territory. Some people and ev...

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Wattled Jacana ( Jacana jacana )

23cm, Identification: the adult individuals present a dark body, red wings, a blue area around the eyes and a red waxy shield on the forehead. The feet are unusually large. The immature birds present white lower parts and brown above. The jacana has one of the largest ratios of toe length upon the body length in the animal kingdom. These extremely large toes help the bird walking over the aquatic plants without sinking. Its small wings and long legs do not make it the best of the fliers. Lives in wetlands and other sorts of water bodies. Feeds on insects, small fish and tadpoles.

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