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Green-barred Woodpecker ( Colaptes melanochloros )

Physical appearance: 26 cm. The upper parts are green, somewhat yellow, barred in black. The inferior parts are buffy or white, also barred. The tail and the top of the head are black. The male has a red spot below the eye while in the female this spot is black. Distribution: From Eastern Amazon to Uruguay and Argentina. Habitat: Forest borders, gallery and secondary forests, woods and parks in cities. Diet: Feeds on ants and insect larva, mainly beetles. Also eats fruits. Reproduction: After courtship the couple builds a nest inside an old tree, sometimes palm trees and others. The nest is generally downwards, avoiding the water when it rains. Two to four eggs are laid and the ...

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White Woodpecker ( Melanerpes candidus )

28cm Identification: easily told apart from other woodpeckers for the black and white pattern, being the wings and the tail black. There is a yellow region on the face. It lives in noisy groups of 3 to 8 individuals. As other woodpeckers the diet is based on insects that it catches hammering tree trunks. The nest is built by the couple in a natural tree hole or a carved one. The female lays 3 or 4 eggs. The young birds leave the nest within about 35 days.

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  • Downloads: 472
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Ochre-collared Piculet ( Picumnus temminckhii )

10 cm. It is very small, smaller than a sparrow. The feet are relatively big. The back and wings are brown and the ventral part white barred in black. The forehead of the male is red, while the femaleâs is black with white dots. In the immature the head is all brown. Can be told apart from the White-Barred Piculet ( Picumnus cirratus ) for having an ochraceous region around the neck and for being darker, mainly on the upper parts. Distribution: Southeastern Brazil and spread southwards up to Argentina. Habitat: Forest edges, gallery and secondary forests, woods, parks and gardens in big cities. Diet: Feeds mainly on ants larvae and pupae, but also on other insects. Reproduction...

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  • Downloads: 470
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White-spotted Woodpecker ( Veniliornis spilogaster )

White-spotted Woodpecker 18cm. Identification: it is a small woodpecker with drab colors. The body is brown, heavily spotted and barred in darker shades of brown and with some white spots below. The male has reddish regions in the head. Very little is known about this woodpecker, probably due to its inconspicuous colors and behavior. It lives in areas with plenty of trees as parks, woods and secondary forests. This woodpecker occurs mainly in the medium and higher forest levels, rarely coming to the ground. Like other woodpeckers it feeds on insects it collects from tree trunks and also on berries.

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  • Downloads: 478
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Picazuro Pigeon ( Columba picazuro )

Physical appearance: 35,5 cm. The body is bluish gray, with an iridescent region on the sides of the neck. There is a large white region on the wings. Distribution: From Northeastern Brazil to Argentina. Habitat: Cerrado, caatinga, gallery forests, fields, crops and urban areas. Diet: Feeds on seeds and small fruits. Reproduction: The nest is made of loosely crossed sticks. The white eggs (1 or 2) are incubated by the couple. The hatchlings are fed on âpigeonâs milkâ. Natural history: It is one of the largest species of pigeon in Brazil. After breeding it gathers in flocks for migration. It is so common in some places that may turn into a nuisance. Has been successfully...

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Tropical Screech Owl ( Megascops ( Otus ) choliba )

24cm In urban areas there is only one other species of owl about the same size of the Screech Owl, that is the Burrowing Owl ( Athene cunicularia ), but while the Burrowing Owl is a diurnal species which lives mostly in open areas and spends most of the time on the ground, the Screech Owl lives on trees and has a pair of ``earsÂÂ. The song reminds that of the Rococo Toad ( Bufo ictericus ). The Screech Owl feeds mainly on large insects but may also take mice, frogs and lizards. The nest is built in tree holes or in artificial boxes.

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5 curiosidades sobre as abelhas - capas

As abelhas tÃm formas Ãnicas de comunicaÃÃo, usando feromÃnios para transmitir informaÃÃes sobre sua identidade e tarefas. AlÃm disso, elas danÃam para indicar a localizaÃÃo de flores com nÃctar. Nas colmeias, a organizaÃÃo à precisa, com diferentes tipos de abelhas, como operÃrias, zangÃes e rainhas, cada uma com funÃÃes especÃficas. As abelhas coletam nÃctar das flores para fazer mel, que à transformado atravÃs de enzimas, armazenado nos favos e usado como alimento. Elas tambÃm picam para proteger a colmeia, mas isso resulta em sua morte, devido ao ferrÃo venenoso. AlÃm disso, as abelhas sÃo essenciais na polinizaÃÃo de plantas, desempenhando um papel crucial...

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5 curiosidades sobre as abelhas

As abelhas se comunicam de formas interessantes. Elas usam cheiros especiais chamados feromÃnios, que sÃo como bilhetes quÃmicos, para coordenar suas tarefas. Esses cheiros dizem coisas como de onde sÃo, que tipo de abelha sÃo e se sÃo machos ou fÃmeas. AlÃm disso, as abelhas tambÃm danÃam para se comunicar. Por exemplo, elas podem danÃar para mostrar onde tem flores com nÃctar, evitando que as outras abelhas desperdicem energia procurando. Nas colmeias, a organizaÃÃo à muito precisa. As abelhas tÃm diferentes tarefas, e suas aparÃncias tambÃm sÃo diferentes, principalmente entre machos e fÃmeas. As abelhas operÃrias sÃo fÃmeas que nÃo podem ter filhotes, e elas ...

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