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MAC - Membrane Attack Complex - Complement System

Membrane Attack Complex formation through interaction of its complement system constitutive parts. The complex is typically formed on the surface of intruding pathogenic bacteria through activation of the complement system, when C5 convertase cleaves a C5 molecule into C5a and C5b. It is composed of four complement proteins (C5b, C6, C7 and C8), which bind to the outer membrane surface, and of a fifth protein, C9, polymerizing into a ring-like structure, put across the membrane and allowing free diffusion through it. This disrupts the osmotic environment of the cell and kills it promptly.

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Black Bellied Whistling Duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis)

48 cm. The face is grey, the chest cinnamon and the belly black. There is a large white spot in the wings, more evident when flying. The beak and feet are red. Males and females are similar. The immature is grayish brown Distribution: From Texas (U.S.A) to Bolivia and Argentina. Habitat: Lives in lakes, rivers, wetlands and even in mangroves. Diet: Feeds on leaves, small seeds and aquatic invertebrates. Reproduction: The nest is built on the ground or hollow trees. The eggs are white, sometimes greenish or bluish. More than one female may lay eggs in the same nest and sometimes may even lay eggs in other species’s nests such as the white faced whistling duck (Dendrocygna viduata)....

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Masked Water Tyrant ( Fluvicola nengeta )

15 cm. The body is white with a band around the eye, the wing and the tail black. Distribution: From Northeastern Brazil to São Paulo. It is currently spreading its distribution southwards. Habitat: Lives in riverbanks, muddy places near lakes and ponds. Diet: Feeds mainly on arthropods, sometimes small fruits. Reproduction: The male exhibits himself standing on the body and opening the tail and the wings. The nest is spherical with a lateral entrance. It is built on small trees above the water. The white eggs are incubated by the female. Natural history: Runs on the aquatic plants, catching insects among them. Attacks other birds that enter its territory. Some people and eve...

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Ochre-collared Piculet ( Picumnus temminckhii )

10 cm. It is very small, smaller than a sparrow. The feet are relatively big. The back and wings are brown and the ventral part white barred in black. The forehead of the male is red, while the female’s is black with white dots. In the immature the head is all brown. Can be told apart from the White-Barred Piculet ( Picumnus cirratus ) for having an ochraceous region around the neck and for being darker, mainly on the upper parts. Distribution: Southeastern Brazil and spread southwards up to Argentina. Habitat: Forest edges, gallery and secondary forests, woods, parks and gardens in big cities. Diet: Feeds mainly on ants larvae and pupae, but also on other insects. Reproduction: ...

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Burrowing Owl ( Athene (Speotyto) cunicularia )

25 cm. The supercilium is white. The plumage usually shows traces of earth. The male is slightly larger than the female and the belly is lighter. Distribution: From Canada to Tierra del Fuego. Habitat: Open fields, grasslands and suburbs, sometimes in soccer fields. Diet: Feeds mainly on beetles, but also other arthropods. Also consumes small vertebrates. Reproduction: The nest is a deep hole in the ground (1,5 to 3m of depth). Although it is able of digging its own hole it generally uses the ones dug by other animals as the armadillos. The couple lines the nest with grass and dry manure. The female lays up to four eggs. The female incubates and the male takes care of the brood. ...

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Creamy-bellied Thrush ( Turdus amaurochalinus )

21,5 cm. The head and the upper parts are olive brown. The throat is white with brown streaks. The chest and the belly are light brown. The inferior part of the tail is white. There is a pale yellow region below the wings. During the breeding season the male’s beak is yellow and in the rest of the year it is black. Distribution: South of Amazon to Bolivia and Argentina. Habitat: Forest borders, cerrado and urban areas, provided there is plenty of trees. Diet: Feeds on fruits, earthworms and arthropods. Reproduction: In the beginning of the breeding season produces different vocalizations. The nest is deep, with thick walls made of roots and covered by moss. The eggs are bluish g...

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Fork-tailed Flycatcher ( Tyrannus savana )

The male is 38 to 40 cm in length and the female 28 to 30 cm, 29cm of the male’s length and 19 of the female’s are the long forked tail. The upper parts are bluish grey and the ventral part white. The top of the head is black. The young individuals have smaller tails. Distribution: East of U.S.A to Argentina. Habitat: Fields with sparse trees, open areas and even in cities. Diet: Mainly flying insects but also fruits. Reproduction: It is territorial during the breeding season. The male may visit other territories while the female stays in the nest. The nest is made of sparse sticks and is often blown with the wind. It is built 1 to 10m from the ground. Lays 3 to 5 buffy eggs with...

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Southern Lapwing ( Vanellus chilensis )

35 cm. The eyes and the legs are red. Has a topknot in the head and a spur in each wing. There is a black band in the throat that begins in the forehead and ends in the chest. The belly is white, the back and the wings are grayish brown and there are green and ferruginous spots in the wings. Distribution: From Panama to Tierra del Fuego. Habitat: Grasslands, open fields, lawns and sometimes soccer fields. Diet: Insects that it catches on the ground. Sometimes catches small fish in shallow wetlands. Reproduction: The nest is made of dry leaves (mainly grass) and placed in a small depression on the ground. Each male may have two females laying their eggs in the same nest. The femal...

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