We are committed to protecting the privacy of our users.
When viewing any page of this site, some data is collected and stored in our database. These data have statistical purposes only. Most of them are provided by your browser and we do not share your personal information with others.
Also, to enhance the statistics of the materials available on our site, we require a fast user account. This register identifies you in our system so we can monitor the visits, downloads, comments and information materials.
When registering, you must provide your e-mail and information from your address. However, we never send you e-mails asking the personal information you have sent us before. The system can send some e-mails notifying operations as automatic registration completed, material sent successfully, and so on.
You must accept these conditions to have full access to our site.
If you do, will benefit from as many resources to send your materials,commenting materials, download files, indicate material for your friends, make notes, etc..
A registered user has a section for manage their materials plus a section to follow the situation of their materials sent.
We are committed to continue developing new tools to help our users and keep the site updated frequently.
Any questions, suggestions or criticism,
contact us .