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Fim da megafauna reduziu a distância de dispersão de sementes grandes

InfogrÃfico sobre como o fim da megafauna reduziu a distÃncia de dispersÃo de sementes grandes. Esse infogrÃfico foi feito a partir do artigo Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions and the functional loss of long-distance seed-dispersal services (doi: 10.1111/ecog.03163), de Mathias M. Pires, Paulo R. GuimarÃes, Mauro Galetti e Pedro Jordano, publicado em

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a embebiÃÃo (primeira parte do processo de germinaÃÃo) ocorre simplesmente por difusÃo, portanto à um processo fÃsico, que ocorre mesmo em sementes mortas. Nas fases posteriores o embriÃo tem que estar vivo para que a germinaÃÃo se complete. Quando feijÃes mortos pelo calor sÃo postos para embeber, o processo se realiza da mesma forma que nas sementes vivas. à tambÃm apresentada uma alternativa para possibilitar a realizaÃÃo do experimento em locais que nÃo possuem balanÃa.

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Brazilian Duck ( Amazonetta brasiliensis )

Physical appearance: 40 cm. The feet are red and webbed. The chest is brown, as well as the face that is a bit darker. There is a patch of iridescent feathers in the wings. When flying it shows a large white spot at the back of the wing. The male has a red beak and the femaleâs is blue. The Female also has white spots on the face. Distribution: From Venezuela to Argentina. Habitat: Wetlands, lakes, ponds and rivers even in polluted places. Diet: Feeds on seeds, leaves and small invertebrates. The hatchlings are goot at catching insects. Reproduction: Lays up to 14 bluish or greenish eggs. When the adult realizes the presence of a potential predator it distracts its attenti...

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Grassland Sparrow ( Ammodramus humeralis )

Physical appearence: 12cm. The upper parts are grayish with black and ferruginous stripes The chest is light brown with spots in the immature. There are yellow ribbons above the eyes and in the wings. The coloration may change when it is dirty due to contact with earth. Distribution: The Grassland Sparrow is found east of the Andes from Colombia to central Argentina but is missing from the Amazon Basin upstream from the TapajÃs river. Habitat: Dry fields with grass, cerrado and crops. Diet: Feeds on grains and small insects. Reproduction: During the breeding season they live in pairs in a territory defended by the male. The nest is opened and placed on the ground. The eggs are ...

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Red-Crested Finch ( Coryphospingus cucullatus )

13,5 cm. The maleâs top of the head is black with a scarlet topknot. The body is red, with the upper parts brownish red. The female does not have a topknot and the upper parts are brown. Distribution: From the Guyanas to Argentina. Habitat: Secondary forests, cerrado and farms. Diet: Feeds on seeds and insects. Reproduction: When breeding lives in pairs and the male protects the territory. Builds a cup-like nest with leaves, lichens and spider webs. Lays 3 to 5 bluish or white eggs. Both male and female feed the offspring. Natural history: The maleâs topknot can only be seen when it is excited. When not breeding lives in groups, sometimes mixing with other species. In ...

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Black Bellied Whistling Duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis)

48 cm. The face is grey, the chest cinnamon and the belly black. There is a large white spot in the wings, more evident when flying. The beak and feet are red. Males and females are similar. The immature is grayish brown Distribution: From Texas (U.S.A) to Bolivia and Argentina. Habitat: Lives in lakes, rivers, wetlands and even in mangroves. Diet: Feeds on leaves, small seeds and aquatic invertebrates. Reproduction: The nest is built on the ground or hollow trees. The eggs are white, sometimes greenish or bluish. More than one female may lay eggs in the same nest and sometimes may even lay eggs in other speciesâs nests such as the white faced whistling duck (Dendrocygna viduata...

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Common Waxbill ( Estrilda astrild )

10,5 cm. The beak and a mask around the eye are bright red. The body is light brown, finely streaked. There may be a red region in the belly. As in other species of cage birds there is great color variation. Distribution: Originally in Africa but currently found in many places around the world. In Brazil it may be found in most of the country except from the Amazon region (where it may be found in the suburbs of big cities). Habitat: Open landscapes, fields, crops, gardens and parks. Diet: Seeds and occasionally insects. Reproduction: The nest is built by the couple in shrubs. Its walls are thick and made of grass, feathers and cotton. The entrance is hidden. Sometimes a false n...

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Common Moorhen ( Gallinula chloropus )

35 cm. The legs and the toes are long and green. Has a red shield-like structure in the forehead that is larger in the male. The neck and inferior parts are blue. The back is brown and there is a white band in the wing. The immature individuals are brown. Distribution: All over the world, except from Australia and New Zealand. Habitat: Lives in lakes, ponds and swamps, provided there is plenty of aquatic vegetation. May be found even in very polluted places and brackish water. Diet: Feeds on vegetables and aquatic insects. Usually dives to catch the food. When it does not dive it waters the food before swallowing. Reproduction: The nest is built among the aquatic vegetation. Th...

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Shiny Cowbird ( Molothrus bonariensis )

18,5 cm. The body is gray, slightly blue with the inferior parts lighter. The tail and the tips of the wings are blue, somewhat green. There is a spot of this color in the shoulders. Male and female are similar. Distribution: Mideast Brazil from MaranhÃo to Rio Grande do Sul, also in Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Habitat: Lives on trees, either in open areas, parks or cities. Diet: Feeds on fruits, leaves, buds, nectar including from eucalyptus trees. Also catches flying insects as butterflies and termites. Reproduction: During the breeding season the male exhibits its shoulders to the female. The nest is built by the couple and is a compact ope...

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Streaked Flycatcher ( Myiodynastes maculatus )

21cm May be confused with the Piratic Flycatcher and the Variegated Flycatcher ( Empidonomus varius ), but is larger than both. It is a solitary and quiet species which sings mostly at twilight. This flycatcher spends most of the time perched in forest edges. Feeds mainly on flying insects, but also takes berries. The nest is usually built in a forked branch or in tree holes. The female builds the nest and incubates the eggs, which hatch within 16 â 17 days. The couple takes shifts to feed the nestlings which leave the nest within 18-21 days. Migrates to lower latitudes in the winter.

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Orange-headed Tanager ( Thlypopsis sordida )

13,5cm The most distinguishing features of this species are the yellowish-orange head and the grayish-green body. This shades of color may vary depending on the subspecies, given that this bird is distributed thoughout the tropical region South to the Amazon river and East to the Andes. There is also a curiously isolated population in the Orinoco river basin. It lives in secondary forest, forest edges and even in cities with plenty of trees. Spends most of its time in the canopy, rarely coming to the ground. This bird moves in a very typical way, climbing the branches in a fast zig-zag, up to the tip and then letting itself fall onto the base of the next branch. It feeds mainly on s...

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Red-cowled Cardinal ( Paroaria dominicana )

18cm Unlike the Red-crested Cardinal ( Paroaria coronata ) the Red-cowled Cardinal does not have a crest and the absence of black patches on the head and throat distinguishes this from the other Brazilian cardinals. This bird is endemic to the Brazilian Northeastern semi-arid region called ``CaatingaÂÂ where it is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful songbirds. Its beaty often costs its freedom as thousands of these birds are captured in the wild to be kept as cage birds. There is large illegal traffic of these birds throughout Brazil and even to other countries. Several specimens, and even established breeding populations have been reported considerably far from its original distr...

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Double-collared Seedeater ( Sporophila caerulescens )

12,5 cm. The maleâs upper parts are dark gray. The face and a ribbon around the neck (the collar) are black. The posterior part of the throat, the belly and a narrow band around the eye are white, sometimes buffy. The color of the beak varies individually. The female and the Young males are brown with the inferior parts lighter. Distribution: From Bahia to Rio Grande do Sul, Uruguay, Argentina to Peru. Habitat: Grasslands, crops. They sleep in tall grass and sugar cane crops were they may bend the stems with their weight. Diet: Feeds on grains. Follows the expansion of seed producing grasses, thus invading new areas as the Distrito Federal. Frequently eats arthropods such as inse...

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Blue-black Grassquit ( Volatinia jacarina )

11 cm. The beak is grey. During the breeding season the male has bluish black feathers with white spots under the wings. When not breeding the feathers are black with white tips. The female is light brown. The subadult males are similar to the non-breeding adult but with the tip of the feather brown. Distribution: From Mexico to tropical South America. Habitat: Grasslands and open areas, sometimes inside cities. Diet: Feeds on seeds and insects. Reproduction: The male has a very typical breeding display. Perched in a branch it flies some 50cm upwards and comes back to the branch in a loop-like movement. During this display it shows its white feathers below the wings. When it fi...

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Rufous-collared Sparrow ( Zonotrichia capensis )

15 cm. It is a small sparrow with the head striated in black and white. There is a topknot and a rufous collar around the neck that is more evident in the male. The back and the wings are brown. The immature does not have bands in the head. Cinnamon and albine mutations are not uncommon. Distribution: From Mexico to Tierra del Fuego. Absent in dense forests. Habitat: Fields, crops, woods, gardens and parks in cities. Diet: Insects, seeds and occasionally human leftovers. Licks the sweet liquid produced by aphids. Reproduction: The couple establishes a territory that is fiercely protected by the male. The nest is built in short bushes or even on the ground among tall grass. The n...

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Piptadenia paniculata Benth.

Nome popular vinhÃtico.

Ãrvore atà 14m; extremidade dos ramos tomentosa; folha composta bipinada, paripinada, alterna, espiralada, estÃpula caduca, pecÃolo com pulvino, sulcado, 8,5 X 0,3cm, nectÃrio pateliforme no terÃo inferior, peciÃlulo canaliculado, 1,7 X 0,1cm, tomentuloso, estipela Ãs vezes presente no terÃo inferior, folÃolos 6, opostos, foliÃlulos 8-12, opostos, lÃmina oval a oval-elÃptica, Ãpice arredondado, cuspidado, base cuneada, assimÃtrica, 5 X 2cm, margem ciliada, membranÃcea, venaÃÃo camptÃdroma, 5-6 pares de nervuras secundÃrias, pouco conspÃcuas, face abaxial tomentulosa, tricomas ma...

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Jacaratia spinosa (Aubl.) A.DC.

Nome popular -.

Ãrvore atà 11m; extremidade dos ramos aculeada, glabra, estriada, nigrescente no material seco; folha composta, digitada, alterna, espiralada, sem estÃpula, pecÃolo canaliculado, atà 18 X 0,2cm, glabro, espessado na base, peciÃlulo canaliculado, atà 1,2 X 0,1cm, glabro, folÃolos 3-5 (-11), lÃmina elÃptico-oblonga, Ãs vezes estreito-elÃptica, Ãpice abrupto-acuminado, base atenuada, Ãs vezes assimÃtrica, 12 X 4cm, margem inteira, membranÃcea, venaÃÃo camptÃdroma, 7-9 pares de nervuras secundÃrias, pouco conspÃcuas, amareladas no material seco, glabra; baga, cilÃndrica a ovÃide, 7 X 4cm, ...

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