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Suiriri Flycatcher ( Suiriri suiriri )

There is still some debate on this birdâs taxonomic status. The Brazilian Official Bird List considers two species, the Suiriri Flycatcher, with two subspecies, the Chaco Suiriri, and the Campo one, which differs from the previous for having a yellowish rump, instead of grayish, and there is the recently described Chapada Suiriri ( Suiriri islerorum ), similar to the Campo one (possibly hybridizing with it) but with a smaller beak and white in the tip of the tail. Very little is known about this species. It is mostly solitary and uses the same hunting techniques of most other flycatchers, that consist basically of catching flying insects few meters away from its perching site and retur...

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Rufous-bellied Thrush ( Turdus rufiventris )

24cm. Identification: it is the only Brazilian thrush with reddish belly. It is the Brazilian Symbol Bird and this title has recently been given for its strong presence in the countryâs popular culture, especially in poetry and music. Although it is distributed throughout Brazil (except from the Amazon region ) it is more common near the coastline as it prefers moist environments. This thrush lives in farms, forest edges and is especially common in urban parks, being one of the most typical birds in some of Southeastern Brazil largest cities. The very beautiful song is very variable, even at the individual level.The real song can only be heard in the spring, the breeding season when ...

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Henriettella glabra Cogn.

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Ãrvore atà 10m; extremidade dos ramos cilÃndrica, oca, glabra, levemente estriada, lenticelas diminutas, numerosas; folha simples, oposta, sem estÃpula, pecÃolo canaliculado, 4,5 X 0,2cm, glabro, nigrescente no material seco, lÃmina eliptica a elÃptico-oval, Ãpice agudo, mucrunado, base cuneada, 22,5 X 11cm, margem inteira, membranÃcea a subcartÃcea, venaÃÃo acrÃdroma, 1 par de nervura secundÃria, conspÃcua, saindo ca. 0,5cm acima da base, venaÃÃo terciÃria conspÃcua, paralela, perpendicular à nervura central, glabra, folhas jovens nigrescentes no material seco.

DistribuiÃÃo: EspÃrito Santo...

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Mouriri chamissoana Cogn.

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Ãrvore atà 12m; extremidade dos ramos achatada, glabra, descamante; folha simples, oposta, sem estÃpula, pecÃolo sub-sÃssil, 0,2 X 0,1cm, glabro, nigrescente no material seco, lÃmina elÃptico-lanceolada ou oval-lanceolada, Ãpice agudo, base assimÃtrico-arredondada, 9-14 X 3-4cm, margem inteira, cartÃcea a sub-coriÃcea, venaÃÃo camptÃdroma, nervura central conspÃcua, amarronzada no material seco, na face abaxial, ca.15 pares de nervuras secundÃrias inconspÃcuas, nervura marginal ca. 0,3cm da margem, pouco conspÃcua, glabra.

DistribuiÃÃo: Bahia atà Santa Catarina; formaÃÃes florestais. ...

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Cupania furfuracea Radlk.

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Ãrvore atà 16m; extremidade dos ramos cilÃndrica, sulcada, ferrugÃneo-tomentosa, congesta na extremidade dos ramos; folha composta, alterna, sem estÃpula, pecÃolo estriado, 7,5 X 0,4cm, tomentoso, espessado na base, peciÃlulo estriado, 0,7 X 0,2cm, tomentuloso a glabrescente, espessado na base, nigrescente no material seco, raque com prolongamento semelhante a um folÃolo atrofiado, folÃolos 16, sub-opostos, lÃmina estreito-oblonga, Ãs vezes oboval, Ãpice acuminado, base assimÃtrico-atenuada, 8,5 (-20) X 2,5 (-3,5)cm margem profundamente serrada, cartÃcea a coriÃcea, venaÃÃo craspedrÃdoma, 9-12 (-1...

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